Ditch Diet Culture

Passionately Pursue Freedom

Feeling stuck on

your IE journey?

I’m Emily - an Intuitive Eater, wife, mom, certified fitness instructor and coach - and I’m glad you’re here!

I provide faith-based Intuitive Eating coaching for the woman looking for motivation and encouragement on her freedom journey.

Together we will work to identify & defeat the lies of diet culture so you can move from feeling stuck to walking in freedom.

You have access to the freedom you desire.

A Mirror Wall Above a Cabinet

In a media driven world, we are exposed to images, ideas, and information that have shaped and skewed the way we view our bodies, movement, and food in ways that God never intended.

You can find freedom when you shake off the lies of diet culture and replace them with truth.

Sometimes you just need a gentle guide to help you along your journey.

My IE Start

I stumbled upon Intuitive Eating (IE) somewhere in 2020. As I was scrolling Instagram one day, I saw posts about “food freedom” and thought, “it’s so great that this skinny dietitian can eat whatever she wants and have food freedom – I know myself, this would NEVER work for me.” But one post turned into many posts and eventually I found a dietitian who presented Intuitive Eating in a way that connected with my story. I learned the framework of Intuitive Eating through her group coaching program and would now say that Intuitive Eating is for everyone!

But let’s be real -- it’s been a journey and still is a journey! And I wouldn’t be where I am today without people who helped to guide me along the way.

Unsure of where to begin?

This 26-page guide gives you questions to consider & journal prompts for each principle to help you discover areas of current success and places to grow on your Intuitive Eating journey.

-Or- keep scrolling and book a free discovery call to process through your next steps one-on-one with Emily.

Book a Free Discovery Call Today

Whether you are new to Intuitive Eating or seeking fresh guidance, I have been where you are! I would love to listen to your story, help you identify where you’re getting stuck, and work together to determine your new path forward.

Scan or Click Code

to book your call!

Cup of Coffee Americano, Coffee Morning Concept.


South-Central, PA


